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Putting Customers First of 165 Years

Comerica is a leading financial services company focused on relationships and helping people and businesses be successful.

The Customer Experience Was Undersold

The internet had become a critical channel for Comerica’s retail and corporate clients, but the bank’s website failed to meet rising consumer expectations and had fallen behind more progressive offerings from competitors. A customer-focused, brand-centric web experience was needed to directly support Comerica’s acquisition and retention marketing strategies. Given the focus on superior customer interactions, it was clear that Comerica’s website would need to be reworked from the ground-up.

Making a Sound Investment in the Online Experiment 

First and foremost, we redesigned and architected a new site to give consumers streamlined access to key content in each of four target segments – personal finance, small business, corporate, and wealth and institutional management.

In addition to a complete visual and stylistic refresh, an extensive new feature set was created to maximize both initial customer acquisition and later cross-selling opportunities. Comerica Advisor was a foundational component of this strategy, offering an array of educational and advisory content, such as planning guides, tutorials, calculators, and demos.

On the technical side, we migrated Comerica onto a new content management platform. Our customized implementation enabled major improvements in site maintenance, responsiveness, and efficiency through tiered workflow processes and management tools.

As a result, nearly 100% of the site’s content can now be updated by Comerica’s marketing group and other business stakeholders using a simple administrative interface.

In addition, we created a comprehensive framework for tagging, tracking, and reporting on site performance. With the help of analytics software, Comerica can now leverage extensive site data to optimize content organization, maximize key conversion rates, and prioritize future investment decisions.

A major goal for the project was to find a technical solution to provide substantial out-of-box functionality. The content management system we implemented increased productivity by focusing our development on presentation templates and style sheets, rather than developing complex java classes to accomplish the same work.


Paying Dividends to Customers and the Business 

Since the redesign launch, Comerica has seen strong improvement in overall site usability and navigation. In addition, the redesign succeeded by generating deeper product exploration among current Comerica clients and new prospects. For example, nearly half of the visitors logged in to online banking applications are also exploring new products and services. In addition, 51% of visits to the Comerica Advisor led to further research on detailed product pages.

What We've Done. What We Can Do.