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Independent Investment Management Firm

Elevating ESG in Wealth Management Portfolios

What if...a modernized data infrastructure and cloud-based tool could aggregate portfolio data and enable easier reporting of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics?

Our client is an independent investment management and strategic advisory firm committed to delivering a combination of first-class performance, strategic advice, and client service. The firm supports institutional and private clients in all 50 states and more than 44 countries.

A person holding a plant in their hand with a digital globe around it.

Financial Advisors Needed a Faster and More-Efficient Way to Report ESG Data 

Individuals increasingly make investment decisions in alignment with personal values. For instance, some investors do not want their funds to touch specific companies or industries, or they wish to invest in companies that promote diversity, environmental care, and social justice.

To appeal to these investors, our client needed the ability to quickly and easily access and share ESG metrics with its customers. However, its ESG framework was housed in spreadsheets, and due to the data's magnitude and complexity, processing reports was labor intensive and cumbersome.

The firm needed an efficient and sophisticated solution and sought a partner with deep expertise in wealth management, data aggregation, and software implementation to take its ESG framework to the next level and provide ongoing consulting throughout the process.

A pawn chess piece leading to several piles of different amounts of coins.

Improving Personalized Recommendations With Optimized ESG Reporting 

The investment firm asked us to help replace cumbersome spreadsheet-based processes with a robust cloud solution that supports data management and seamless reporting.

We created roadmaps of business requirements, constructed solution mockups, designed new ESG reporting dashboards, and used Agile methodologies to build automated data pipelines to provide insights to advisors and investors.

Built on Microsoft Azure's modern cloud environment, our solution leverages Pentaho to extract and upload data and Snowflake to aggregate client, portfolio, and research data as well as external data from Morgan Stanley Capital International, Solovis, Bloomberg, Morningstar, FACTSET, Arc Data, and Salesforce.

The ability to report on ESG metrics greatly aids investor relations and funding and helps attract a more-diverse range of investors. Advisors can quickly personalize portfolio recommendations based on a client's personal values, which helps to nurture the client-investor relationship and drive revenue.


A couple looking at a computer screen with an employer in an office space.

Efficient Reporting Improves Client-Investor Relations 

The firm's advisors can now easily and confidently share ESG metrics with prospects and clients in near-real time. Our solution eliminates weeks of analysis and report preparation and supports a superior customer and advisor experience.

Further, our work served as a catalyst for the organization's larger cloud migration initiatives and was the first use case for the firm's newly modernized Azure Landing Zone. This digital transformation will improve business processes and client-advisor relationships across the board.

The ability to report on ESG metrics greatly aids investor relations and funding and helps attract a more-diverse range of investors. Advisors can quickly personalize portfolio recommendations based on a client's personal values, which helps to nurture the client-investor relationship and drive revenue.

Our pragmatic industry-oriented mindset made us the perfect partner to support this investment management firm's near- and long-term needs, equipping the organization with ESG reporting and a modernized data platform that supports its global footprint and can scale as the firm transforms and grows.

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